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Publication Preprints and Technical Reports:

  1. Y. Wang, Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioner for the Mixed Formulation of Plane Elasticity
  2. J.E. Santos, C.L. Ravazzoli, P.M. Gauzellino, and J.M. Carcione, Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Waves in Reservoir Rocks with Patchy Saturation and Fractal Petrophysical Properties
  3. J. Geiser, R3T: Radioactive-Retardation-Reaction-Transport-Program for the Simulation of Radioactive Waste Disposals
  4. A.B. Andreev, R.D. Lazarov, and M.R. Racheva, Postprocessing and Higher Order Convergence of Mixed Finite Element Approximations of Biharmonic Eigenvalue Problems
  5. C.L. Ravazzoli and J.E. Santos, A Theory for Wave Propagation in Porous Rocks Saturated by Two-Phase Fluids Under Variable Pressure Conditions
  6. P. Chatzipantelidis, V. Ginting, and R.D. Lazarov, A Finite Volume Element Method for a Nonlinear Elliptic Problem
  7. V.E. Ginting, Computational Upscaled Modeling of Heterogeneous Porous Media Flow Utilizing Finite Volume Method
  8. T.V. Kolev, Least-Squares Methods for Computational Electromagnetics
  9. Y. Wang, Preconditioning for the Mixed Formulation of Linear Plane Elasticity
  10. G. Bencheva, Parallel Implementation of a Generalized Marching Algorithm
  11. J.E. Santos, J. Geiser, and C.L. Ravazzoli, On the Static and Dynamic Behavior of Fluid Saturated Composite Porous Solids; A Homogenization Approach
  12. A. Ern and J.-L. Guermond, Evaluation of the Condition Number in Linear Systems Arising in Finite Element Approximations
  13. J.L. Guermond, P. Minev, and J. Shen, An Overview of Projection Methods for Incompressible Flows
  14. J.-L. Guermond and S. Prudhomme, A Definition for Large-Eddy-Simulation Approximations of the Navier-Stokes Equations
  15. R.D. Lazarov and L.T. Zikatanov, An Exponential Fitting Scheme for General Convection-Diffusion Equations on Tetrahedral Meshes
  16. R.K. Sinha, R.E. Ewing, and R.D. Lazarov, Some New Error Estimates of a Semidiscrete Finite Volume Element Method for Parabolic Integro-Differential Equation with Nonsmooth Initial Data

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